Welcome to Returning to Wholeness  

Embody Health, Vitality, and Creative Power

Return to natural states of health,
vitality, and creative power

by accessing the subconscious and
working with the body’s energy systems.

You are whole, complete, and perfect. Already. This is the starting point.

You are complete. You do not need anything to complete you or anyone to fix you. You do not need to do anything to prove you are worthy. Your worthiness is inherent and always will be. As is your innocence and purity.

You are whole. You cannot be threatened, harmed, or diminished in any way. No one can take away your innocence.

You are connected. You are whole, in and of yourself, and you are part of the greater wholeness. You are one with all beings, and you are part of the entire fabric of life–an essential part. You belong.

You are perfect. Just as you are. Stop chasing after completion, enlightenment, and perfection.

Returning to wholeness is actually coming home to yourself. You true self is there, buried under other people’ opinions, social conditioning, and inaccurate conclusions you drew in your past that became your beliefs about who you are. It is an excavation, an unlearning, a remembering who you are in truth.

It is a shift in perception.